Bollywood superstar Salman Khan who is constantly declining film offers citing date issues has done it again. Salman who recently walked out of Hindi remake version of Telugu film 'Arya 2' has apparently turned down another remake version of Telugu blockbuster hit film 'Dookudu'. Salman who has earlier worked in Bollywood versions of South films like 'Bodyguard' and 'Wanted' does not want to feature in South remake films any more.
The 46-year-old actor is claiming that he is concentrating on few and handful of films and his most important film which is keeping the actor busier is in-house film 'Dabangg 2' helmed by his brother, actor turned filmmaker Arbaaz Khan.
However, Salman rejected 'Dookudu' by saying that he does not want to repeat role of cop which he has already played in 'Dabangg'. Meanwhile, it is speculated that the filmmakers have got Akshay on the board to essay the male lead that was played by South superstar Mahesh Babu in the original film.
The 46-year-old actor is claiming that he is concentrating on few and handful of films and his most important film which is keeping the actor busier is in-house film 'Dabangg 2' helmed by his brother, actor turned filmmaker Arbaaz Khan.
However, Salman rejected 'Dookudu' by saying that he does not want to repeat role of cop which he has already played in 'Dabangg'. Meanwhile, it is speculated that the filmmakers have got Akshay on the board to essay the male lead that was played by South superstar Mahesh Babu in the original film.
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