Bollywood actor Vidya Balan has apparently shed all her inhibitions through her bold act in ‘The Dirty Picture’ as the 34-year-old actor who has appeared backless on FHM Men’s magazine cover page has once again preferred to go backless for March issue of the similar magazine.
In the earlier issue, Vidya draped a saree in the front side and showed her bare back. However, this time the ‘No One Killed Jessica’ actor has moved a step bolder by wrapping herself in lungi and again showing her bare back. The caption behind her photograph is ‘Lungis, Gangis and Return of Vidya Balan’.
Balan is currently gearing up for the release of her forthcoming film ‘Kahaani’ where she has essayed the role of an NRI pregnant woman who is in search of her missing husband. The film is scheduled to release on March 9.
In the earlier issue, Vidya draped a saree in the front side and showed her bare back. However, this time the ‘No One Killed Jessica’ actor has moved a step bolder by wrapping herself in lungi and again showing her bare back. The caption behind her photograph is ‘Lungis, Gangis and Return of Vidya Balan’.
Balan is currently gearing up for the release of her forthcoming film ‘Kahaani’ where she has essayed the role of an NRI pregnant woman who is in search of her missing husband. The film is scheduled to release on March 9.
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