It was a proud moment for Tamil cinema as it managed to win a host of awards in the annual 59th National Film Awards announced today. Aaranya Kaandam and Azhagarsamiyin Kudhirai walked away with a couple of awards, while Vaagai Sooda Vaa got the Best Regional Film award
It was double delight for the Tamil movie Azhgagarsamiyin Kuthirai, directed by Suseenthiran. It bagged the award for popular entertainment besides getting actor Appukutty the best supporting actor's trophy.
Vagai Sooda Vaa, a period film that harps on the need for education, directed by A Sargunam was adjudged the best regional language film, while Thiayagarajan Kumararajah's maiden venture Aaranya Kaandam won two awards - best film by a debutant director and best editing (K L Praveen).
The awards will be given to the winners in a ceremony on 3 May .
It was double delight for the Tamil movie Azhgagarsamiyin Kuthirai, directed by Suseenthiran. It bagged the award for popular entertainment besides getting actor Appukutty the best supporting actor's trophy.
Vagai Sooda Vaa, a period film that harps on the need for education, directed by A Sargunam was adjudged the best regional language film, while Thiayagarajan Kumararajah's maiden venture Aaranya Kaandam won two awards - best film by a debutant director and best editing (K L Praveen).
The awards will be given to the winners in a ceremony on 3 May .
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