Chillar Party a kiddie film directed by Nitesh Tiwari and Vikas Bahl has successfully bagged National Award for the Best Children Film category. The junior artists who are sharing the prestigious awards are Irfan Khan, Sanath Menon, Vishesh Tiwari, Rohan Grover, Nama Jain, Aarav Khanna, Chinmai Chandransuh, Vedant Desai and Divij Handa. The makers of Chillar Party have already started planning to offer the second installment of their movie.
However, this time the makers are planning to rope in other child artists to cast in the film as the original film's cast has grown up and are not suitable for the role. Meanwhile, Partho Gupta, a child artist who essayed lead role in 'Stanley Ka Dabba' has also bagged the Best Child Artist National Award.
Both the films were made especially for children.
However, this time the makers are planning to rope in other child artists to cast in the film as the original film's cast has grown up and are not suitable for the role. Meanwhile, Partho Gupta, a child artist who essayed lead role in 'Stanley Ka Dabba' has also bagged the Best Child Artist National Award.
Both the films were made especially for children.
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